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What is American Field Sporting?
andtechgroup andtechgroup

What is American Field Sporting?

America Field Sporting consists of targets shot low gun (for NSCA Master and AA Class or international equivalent), in 25 (twenty-five) target increments (called a field.) Three (3) different Field Formats, (Rotate/Red, Walk/White, and Box/Blue) are available to target setters.

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andtechgroup andtechgroup

Why was this new game created?

If we don’t continue to evolve and innovate this game participation and interest will wane. We hope AFS brings more people into the game of Sporting Clays and gives those who already love the game more reason to participate.

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What is the Red Field Format?
andtechgroup andtechgroup

What is the Red Field Format?

The Red Field has a minimum of 5 traps with a 6th dedicated exclusively to the XBird. Four Stand in a straight line no more than 20’ apart facing the field of fire. Shooters take turns shooting from a fixed menu. When the menu is completed by all shooters, they rotate to the next stand and repeat the process.

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andtechgroup andtechgroup

What is the menu for the Red Field?

One-Shot Single, Two-Shot Single, Any Type of Pair followed by Any Type of Pair for a total of 6 targets at each station. Station Four also includes the XBird which is shot as the last bird on the stand.

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What is the White Field?
andtechgroup andtechgroup

What is the White Field?

The White Field has a minimum of 5 traps with a 6th dedicated exclusively to the XBird. Three stations positioned throughout the field from left to right. Each member of the squad shoots the entire menu at all three stations.

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What is the Blue Field?
andtechgroup andtechgroup

What is the Blue Field?

The Blue Field spans across three independent layouts with two separate shooting stations at each layout. A minimum of three traps are required at each layout. The XBird is set for a single station at one of the layouts. Each member of the squad shoots the entire menu at all six stations.

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What types of shooting stations are allowed?
andtechgroup andtechgroup

What types of shooting stations are allowed?

There are two types of shooting station configurations that can be used: Stands which measures a minimum of 84” tall and a maximum of 54” wide at the opening must be used on Red events. Hoop or frame which measures a minimum of 36” across. Limit sticks can be used at the hoop to control the range of barrel swing. Either stand or hoop can be used on white or blue fields, as safety and presentations dictate. The same type of shooting station configuration must be used across a single field.

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Is AFS shot low gun?
andtechgroup andtechgroup

Is AFS shot low gun?

Yes, for NSCA Master and AA Class or International Equivalent. Shooters in A Class and below may hold the gun where they chose.

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andtechgroup andtechgroup

How is the low gun measurement taken?

Our recommendation is to have the shooter open the gun, ensure it is safe, tuck the stock under the arm as far up as possible. The line is drawn at the intersection where the highest part of the stock (including monte carlo) meets the arm.

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andtechgroup andtechgroup

Is 12 Gauge only allowed?

Gauge specifications are determined by individual clubs and, if registered, by association specifications. 

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andtechgroup andtechgroup

What size and load ammo can I use?

Maximum loads and lead shot size may not exceed federal, state, local, and host club rules. If registered, load and lead shot size shall be limited to association specifications.

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How many preview birds do we get?
andtechgroup andtechgroup

How many preview birds do we get?

On the Red Field, the shooter in Station One is allowed one view of a full flight of all targets of 1-5 including the XBird. On the White and Blue Fields at each station, the first shooter is allowed one full flight of all targets as singles on that station menu.

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